Análise evolutiva da indústria de frigoríficos de produtos suínos no Rio Grande do Sul do ano de 1950 até o ano de 2004: declínio ou simples concentração de mercado?




This study global objective is to procede the evolution check of Pig Products Freezer Sector from Rio Grande do Sul since 1950 to 2004. In this way, according to the Model of Porters 5 Powers, it will be analyzed the occurred facts with this Industrial Sector, looking for understanding not only the reasons which had made the number of contestant companies suffered a significant decreasing in the period around 50 years, but also, the possible success reasons from which continue in the market and find each other, nowadays, competing intensively on the search of a better market share.It is believe that the adopted strategy and the correct resources utilization, combined with external variables, many times with difficult control, probably can be important ingredients for the search of an answer. To make our knowledge deeper about this analysis and its branches, therefore, they constitute themselves as the central axis of this research


competitividade industrial indústria agroindústria frigoríficos rio grande do sul administracao análise de mercado

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