Analise do sucesso e fracasso organizacional a partir da ecologia organizacional: estudo realizado junto as MPMEs do setor têxtil de Jaraguá do Sul




In nowadays economical conjuncture, characterized by the appearance and dying dynamics of some business areas, has led a search for theories that could explain such phenomena. The organizational studies come, mainly, from the perspective of the institutional analyses and from the strategy to explain the relationship of the companies in its environment, justifying the fail and the success from this perspective. In the present research, it was aimed to identify, between 2000 and 2005, the main factors that influenced in the opening/closing (birth and death) of small and medium clothing companies in Jaragua do Sul. Here, the environment was treated as a determinant factor and the Populational Ecology Model, proposed by Beton and Dess (1985), served as uphold basis paradigm to evaluate the success and failure of this studied companies. The article makes a brief review of the concepts of organizational ecology focusing, mainly, the demographic process, ecological process and environmental process, relating them with, structural inertia, organizational species and environmental selection. From this review, a model proposal applied in the selected companies is suggested. The methodology, which characterizes the present study, is the setting up with transversal cut within 2000 and 2005. The approach was qualitative and quantitative with a sample of opened and closed companies in this same period. The data lead to the demographic process related with the diversifiers: inertia, species and selection as main incentives factor to the opening of the organizations, due, mainly, to the size and age of the studied organizations. Related to failure and continuity of the organizations, inertia, under the influence of demographic process, was characterized as the principal cause of closing, together with the organizational success. These results suggest that the failures causes of some are the keys that maintain the success of some others in a same population


ecologia organizacional micro and medium companies eficiência organizacional; ecologia humana; gestão ambiental administracao mpmes ecologia populacional organizational ecology populational ecology

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