Analise da variabilidade das chuvas nas regiões ambientais do estado de Alagoas. / Review of the variability of rainfall environmental regions of the State of Alagoas.




The present study examined the variability of rainfall in six environmental areas of Alagoas, both in space and for the segment of time, verifying the trend and frequency of rainy and dry periods, in order to characterize the variations and anomalies of the total monthly and annual rains. The data that generated the historical averages and the years studied, from 1993 to 2006 were obtained from the database of SUDENE and the Secretary of State for the Environment and Water - SEMARH / AL. We used a statistical technique to determine the average monthly and annual percentage deviations for use as criteria for choosing the standard year. The results indicate that all ENSO events have caused an increase in rainfall, but not all wet years can be explained by its occurrence. And that these wet years do not reach the entire region with the same intensity. It was also the irregularity of rainfall, typical of tropical areas. Of the 14 years studied, only 06 years can be considered normal, whose deviations from the average is between -15% and +15%.


alagoas alagoas rainfall precipitação pluviométrica climatology meteorologia climatologia

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