AnÃlise da potÃncia aerÃbia e estados de humor em mulheres sobreviventes ao cÃncer de mama




The oncologic therapeutic modalities currently used have increased life expectancy and decreased cancer mortality. The high toxicity and long-term side effects, however, are considerable and can affect functional capacity. The purpose of this study was compare oxygen consumption and the mood states function of women with breast cancer (BC n=11, age= 55, 36Â6,62), women breast cancer survivors and exhibit systemic high blood pressure (BC+HBP n=11, age= 42,36Â5,71) and normally healthy women (CO n=22, age= 45,55Â7,42). Women with cancer have displayed between stages I and IIIA and have been treated the Hospital de Base de Brasilia-DF, underwent radical modified mastectomy followed by chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormonal therapy. The VO2peak was measured using direct ergospirometry, and mood states using POMS. The ANOVA has revealed statistically significant differences between the VO2peak, as absolute as relative, to the group BC+HBP (1,09Â0,24 l.min-1; 16,15Â3,35 and as compared to the groups BC (1,42Â0,16 l.min-1; 21,71Â1,24 and CO (1,39Â0,25 l.min-1; 22,31Â3,96 This difference remains significant after correction by age. It was not observed significant differences statistically in any of the moods states, neither the total mood states of the groups. The differences between the VO2peak were probably induced by association of chronic conditions and chemoteraphy which would overburden the physical body as it has to deal with two simultaneous physiologic alterations. Furthermore, therapeutic interactions could collaborate to deteriorate the cardiopulmonary functioning. Physical limitations, self-evaluated, were probably mediated by the reduction of VO2peak. Based on this information, this study concluded that women cancer survivors who carry systemic high blood pressure have presented a higher occurrence of cardiopulmonary function damage and bigger physical limitations. This can both affect the disease prognosis and increase the need of medical care. These problems, in turn, can overtax the governments healthcare system.


breast cancer estados de humor mama - cÃncer; mulheres - humor; hipertensÃo mood states fitness physical potÃncia aerÃbia educacao fisica

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