Análise da influência de variáveis operacionais de um sistema de trigeração sobre o desempenho termodinâmico e a distribuição das utilidades / Analysis of operational variables in a trigeneration system and their influence over thermodynamic performance and distribution of utilities


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In this work a trigeneration system, simultaneous production of power, heat and cooling using only one energy source, was analyzed, aiming at a better energetic efficiency of the system, showing the influence of some operating variables of the process on the utilities generated and the efficiency of the overall system. In this study the influence of the compression ratio of the compressor, turbine efficiency, amount of excess air in the system and capacity of steam generation on the efficiencies of the system (power cycle efficiency, overall system efficiency and coefficient of performance of absorption cycle), steam flow and temperature of the last exhaust stream are analyzed. According to sensibility analysis, the highest and lowest overall efficiency of the trigeneration were obtained with 50% of excess air and 70% turbine adiabatic efficiency, and the values found were equal to 81% and 70%, respectively. The absorption refrigeration cycle has showed an increase in the coefficient of performance equal to 26.7%. The results obtained has shown that the greatest energy losses in the process are due to a lower production of useful work produced in the turbine. These losses may be compensated by an increase in the vapor production rate in the boiler. With this work a better understanding of the dependence relationship between the equipment of the trigeneration system and the production capacity of utilities was achieved. This understanding is fundamental because it can provide optimum operation conditions of the system, better operational parameters used to reach the needs of the process and thereby avoid the waste of capital (saving fuel and increasing the energy efficiency of the process), also reducing the impact on the environment.


simulação por computador eficiência energética refrigeração absorção termodinâmica thermodynamics absorption refrigeration energetic efficiency computer simulation

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