Análise da distribuição de olerícolas orgânicas no Distrito Federal




Organic agriculture has the guiding principle of using the land and natural resources in a sustainable manner, providing many advantages to producers, consumers and the environment. For organic products, mainly the vegetables, with high perishability, to be produced and marketed effectively, it is necessary an adequate performance of the logistic distribution, providing a higher quality of services at a lower cost. The study examined the logistics of distribution of organic crops in the Organic Market of the Federal District, the first market of its kind in Brazil and whose members are certified in agricultural production, a requirement which became effective for all organic producers in Brazil. Using interviews and questionnaires to quantify and evaluate how satisfactory is the distribution of organic products from the point of view of producers who supply the products to the Organic Market in the Federal District.


distribution organic agriculture distribuição logistic logística vegetables olerícolas agricultura orgânica agronomia

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