An Analysis of the Strategical Management Process and the Case Study of Loading Transportation Short Companies in Barra Mansa, RJ / Uma Análise do Processo de Gestão Estratégica e o Estudo de Caso de Pequenas Empresas de Transporte de Carga de Barra Mansa, RJ




This paper shows the analysis of the strategic management and its instruments, also consisting of a guide to the process execution. It can be noticed that the strategic management is not used at all in the short companies of loading transportation in Barra Mansa-RJ, for several reasons belonging to its size and to the not vast amount of knowledge by the managers of such companies about the benefits from the business enterprising strategy. Different kinds of companies do not regard the learning of their place as necessary, abandoning to their fate the way of financial and people management, the business values and their general culture. Because of the not being structural planning, the control is relegated to the third place or it does not exist at all. The learning of the company organism environment is really important to the strategical management. Thus, to the big companies, the global vision is of great worth but is a consensus that it is necessary to take care of the firm and not of the competition, thinking about this last one as an enemy instead of being a partner in a growing process to each small company. In the same way, they think it is useless the learning of the financial, political, cambial and social view of the environment, of the internal and external customers. According to an analysis based in a research with businessmen of that specific field, it was expected to know the real face of the small businessman of the loading transportation area, as well as his difficulties and to suggest essential and basic instruments to fit the strategical management, in its beginning, to this kind of businessman.


small company strategic management pequena empresa administracao development. desenvolvimento. gestão estratégica

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