An analysis of the interventions in environmental education in an Institution of students with special educational needs. / Uma análise das intervenções em educação ambiental numa instituição de alunos com necessidades educativas especiais.




Education is one of the biggest world-wide concerns nowadays, being also a powerful instrument for the development of a sustainable world. Therefore, an education with quality must reach to all, also students with special necessities. Once citizenship is a right and a duty of all, it must be clear to the citizen the adequate behavior face environment questions. An integral formation of the individual that searchs its autonomy must consider the environmental thematic as one of its basic axles. The present essay presented as objective the analysis of the educational environmental proposal of an Institution in São Paulo that takes care of students with special educative necessities, to investigate the contribution of the Environmental Education in the process of inclusion of these students and to evidence the satisfactory actions in Environmental Education showing new possibilities for pedagogical practices. It was developed based on empirical searches with qualitative boarding. The collection of data was carried through in the observed Institution during a semester with the use of the following instruments and citizens as subjects: halfstructuralized interviews with the students, professors and assistants, opened questionnaires answered by parents or responsables, documentary analysis and notes of field. The treatment and quarrel of the gotten data had allowed to point that despite the educational lines of direction and other documents the importance and amplitude of the Environment Education in the educational processes to stand out, still have difficulties in carrying through it successfully. The lack of a structuralized program of Ambient Education reduces the depth of boarding, despite the conscience and searchs of the pedagogical team in reaching it in the dispersed activities during the year. Actions as planning, searching rules and updates in documents as the National Curricular Parameters, requesting to the participation of the family can multiply its possibilities of adjusted actions, contributing for the formation of individuals citizens, conscientious ambiently and socially ones.


environment education necessidades especiais. educação ambiental inclusão citizenship special necessities. cidadania inclusion

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