Ambiente colaborativo de aprendizagem baseado em medidas, em tempo real, de grandezas fÃsicas para o ensino de conceitos fÃsicos




Traditional methods of teaching are characterized by isolated learning. In the context of the current society, this methodology has caused inefficiencies in the acquisition of knowledge. It is vast literature that recognizes the need for changes in the methods by happing really of teaching Physics at secondary and higher education in Brazil and in other Countries. By private way specially in Brazil such changes would have to start by curricular reforms. Studies have demonstrated that concepts of physics are better acquired when including CSCL(Computer Supported Collaborative Learning) environments in the methodologies of education. There are some useful proposals to improve the quality of teaching/learning in education courses of graduation in physics, however in most cases the costs for acquisition do not correspond with the economic reality of the great majority of the Brazilian educational institutions. The objective of the present work is to conceive a synchronous interface for a collaborative learning environment, of the Mirroring Systems type, that allows the accomplish of experiments with the collect of data in real time of design about over Physics by the Internet. The methodology of design used in the development of this work was based in user tasks, analysis of potential competitors, paper prototyping, besides participatory design, interviews and observation. It is hoped that through this proposal of learning, students of graduation in physics located in distant cities of big urban centers could have access to a practical education with professors of great university centers. As result of this work, we made available a functional version of a synchronous collaborative learning environment capable to collect data in real time for the accomplishment of two Physical experiments


user center design collects of data in real time teaching of physical concepts ensino de conceitos fÃsicos cscl ciencia da computacao coleta de dados em tempo real design centrado no usuÃrio cscl

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