Alternative processes of signification for an aphasic poet / Processos alternativos de significação de um poeta afasico




This research deals with an analysis of the linguistic-cognitive/psychic facts of an aphasic poet subject (SL). It adopts the theoretical-methodology perspective of the Discursive Neurolinguistics (ND) which has been developed in UNICAMP by Coudry since 1988 and thus part of the principle is that aphasic subjects as well as the non-aphasic ones carry out linguistic-cognitive/psychic work whose expression in aphasias can be understood as alternative processes of signification. Some of the alternative processes of signification are presented and discussed and those are used by SL to deal with aphasia and remain subject of the language. The role of the poetic function is highlighted in case of an emergency of such processes and in reorganizing the language.The data analysis which is carried out especially under the jakobsonian concepts could detail the knowledge related to alternative processes of signification that is to favor the understanding of how aphasic SL deals with the bipolarity of the language and with other cognitive/psychic processes. In addition to the case study, this research analyzes part of the theoretical and methodological production of Neurology/Neurocience and of Phonoaudiology related to aphasias and presents Discursive Neurolinguistic (DN) as an important reference to the studies and to clinical practices with damaged brains subjects


phonoaudiology neurolinguistica discursiva aphasia fonoaudiologia afasia language discursive neurolinguistic (dn) processos alternativos de significação aprasia linguagem alternative processes of signification

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