Alterações físico-químicas do óleo de palma na pré-fritura contínua de produtos cárneos empanados de frango - tipo "snacks"


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The lack of time for the preparation of food has caused an increase in consumption of fried foods that are a rapid alternative of preparation that promotes sensory properties highly appreciated by consumers. The continuous frying method is used by the industrial market for pre frying procedures. Palm oil has high oxidative stability by having almost equivalent amounts of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The physical and chemical properties of palm oil during the continuous pre-fried breaded meat products were assessed by acid values and refraction, indexes polar compounds, contents viscosity, color and absorptivity (232 and 268nm) in 238 samples collected over 28 days of production. The data were analyzed by ANOVA, Tukey, Principal Component Analysis and linear regression analysis (1st order kinetics). At the end of the study period, the oil showed maximum values of 0,64% acid value in oleic acid, 1,4680 of refractive index, 17,3% of polar compounds, 59.5 cp viscosity at 20 rpm, 3,558 and 1,158 of absorptivity at 232 and 268nm respectively. There was increased darkening of oil over time. The first principal component (57.33% of explanation) separated samples collected at different weeks of the experiment, while the samples to the right of CP1 were collected in the first and second weeks, and the samples to the left were collected in the third and fourth weeks. The vectors L* and viscosity at 20 rpm were inversely correlated indicating that the lower the L* the greater the viscosity. The vertices of the triangle representing the data of the last day of production were very close indicating that there was repeatability of the assessment. Samples from the first day of experiment were located on the right in the CP1 and down in the CP2 (21.33% of explanation), showing low values associated with the analysis of acidity and refractive index and polar compounds. Despite differences found in the responses of these parameters over the frying time and in different shifts, the oil did not show after 28 days of pre frying in any analysis, values higher than the limits recommended by some countries to disposal, suggesting that the conditions during the process were safe and indicated that the oil is suitable for use as a frying medium under the experimental conditions. The extent of degradation of polar compounds was the best index to the proposed kinetic model and it can be recommended as an effective method for monitoring continuous frying oil in breaded meat products besides, the method used to the resolution is rapid and convenient to be performed in industry.


Óleos e gorduras alimentícias frituras empanados (alimentos) alimentos - avaliação sensorial Óleos e gorduras alimentícias - viscosidade edible oils and fats frying batters (food) food sensory evaluation edible oils and fats viscosity

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