Aleitamento materno: (re)pensando a importância das representações sociais e da rede social no contexto local / Breastfeeding: (re)thinking about the importance of social representations and social network in the local context




There are many factors that interfere in the decision of woman-mother during breastfeeding, such as: the historical context, social and cultural (beliefs and myths) in which nursing mothers live, the influence of others in the daily lives of nursing mother during breastfeeding, performance of local health services, among others. In this sense, this study aimed to: examine the influence of social representations in the practice of breastfeeding from the perspective of social network (mother, father, grandparents and health professionals) in the city of Coimbra, MG. To conduct this study, chose to, primarily, by theoretical reference methodology of qualitative research. The search was carried out from October to December 2007. Data collection was given in two steps: (1) By means of individualized semi-structured interviews conducted in the workplace or in the homes of interviewees, and (2) Group focal with the primary health care professionals working in the township. Part of the search 58 mothers (31.72%), 27 parents (14.76%), 31 grandparents (16.95%) of children under two years of age and 17 primary health professionals (77.29%). As theoretical reference, used to the Theory of Social Representations described by Moscovici (2003) and Minayo (2006), and the Theory of Social Network described by Sanicola (1995). The analysis of qualitative data was analyzed using the method of Analysis of Contents of Bardin (1977). The comprehensive analysis of the social network of nursing mother revealed that this was composed by family members, people who lived near the woman-mother, father of the child and health professionals, and that these individuals have established with the nursing mother, links positive or negative. Most mothers reported having received the help/support while breastfeeding, and this help was expressed in several ways: (1) aid in domestic activities, (2) help us care with the baby, (3) stimulation of lactation; and (4) guidelines and advice. Regarding nursing mother s diet, the speeches show that, according to coimbrenses mothers, women need a special diet during the puerperium, which is composed of foods considered healthy, strong, lactogênicos, in addition to the intake of liquid. Still, analyzing the reports on a theme of the mothers interviewed, was able to extract six categories: "Breastfeeding is to provide the best for the baby," "The milk will not kill the headquarters of the baby", "Beliefs about the consumption of tea", "The pacifier is an aid to the mother", "Beliefs about the use of bottles" and "The woman-mother to feel guilty for not to breastfeed your son". It representations can influence a positive or negative the decision to breastfeed. However, although the speech mother had submitted claims ambiguous, it was observed that knowledge of common sense about breastfeeding, the mothers interviewed focused, the vast majority, of socio-cultural aspects. As for the look of health professionals in relation to breastfeeding, it was found that the act of breastfeeding was seen as an obligation of women. For the analysis of the discourse of professionals, it is observed that the guidelines to give to users of Units of Family Health, its are based more on observation and experience (of motherhood and breastfeeding) stemming from common sense than on scientific knowledge. The speech professional, yet, reference the need for training in lactation. For the analysis the complaints of women in post-partum and guidance provided in these stages of life of the woman-mother, according to the professionals interviewed, it was observed that despite the health professional know and report complaints, doubts and anxieties of woman-mother, the results of this study show a real imbalance between the reported by the professional knowledge and practice daily the health service since its guidelines in this group-population, they do not address the real needs of the health service, because its guidelines do not address the real needs of this population group. Within this perspective, to make necessary changes in health practices with regard to the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding. In this regard, the study developed here, will provide a subsidy for the formulation of new public politics that influence of social network in the practice of breastfeeding, involving and including all members of the social network of nursing mother, as they contribute to the success or failure of this important custom. Moreover, highlights the importance of politics on standing and continuing education and the role of educational institutions as key elements in training in breastfeeding, so as to train professionals with skills to meet the social demands, taking decisions in favour of breastfeeding within the daily lives of Units of Family Health. Extending the look of health professionals on the experience of breastfeeding, both by knowledge of the representations made by the population of reference in its territory of operation, but also the understanding of how they are produced, processed or updated, certainly contribute to the planning Stock of local health.


nutricao amamentação programa saúde da família breastfeeding family health program desmame

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