Adolescência, figura cultural exemplar da posição transicional : paradigma do sujeito moderno




The objective of this work is to establish a parallel between adolescence and the modern citizen. This study was carried through from the psychoanalysis point of view in interlocution with anthropology. This link between psychoanalysis and anthropology, part of the principle that the subjectivity is eminently historical and it must be thought of as "acontescência", meaning one permanent link between citizen and culture. We adopt, more necessarily, the psychoanalysis in the eyes of Winnicott, that helped us to think about the subjective constitution, giving importance to the dynamics of the particular and the social environment. In the first stage of the study, we pointed out problems of adolescence and the place of the question and social function. Meaning, the question of the transition "between" the family and the social being, the tradition and the future, extracted from the categories of rupture, transition, risk, instability, and creativity. After that we examine in which measure the modern citizen can be seen under the light of these categories, considering the adolescent as a "mirror" and certification of this social condition that demands a continuous work of reorganization of the state of the world. Finally, we articulate the ways of subjectification of the contemporary subject, drawing on the insights of Winnicott on the transitional phenomena and the potential space. We conclude that adolescence is a cultural figure with an innovative potential that speaks of necessity of the process of subjectification in the present time. Therefore, we saw that the cultural environment of modernity made possible plural forms of existence, and that it can be seen in two sources: in an immature way of submission and dependence on its part, or to consist of creative form and opening to the new, in that it speaks respect to personal accomplishments in such a way, that it speaks highly to a coexistence in the collective. Key words: Adolescence, Modern Citizen, Psychoanalysis, Winnicott, D. W; Transitionally.


psicologia - dissertaÇÕes adolescente - comportamento social - dissertaÇÕes tratamento e prevencao psicologica

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