Meninas do graffiti : educação, adolescencia, identidade e genero nas culturas juvenis contemporaneas




This paper sought the immersion in the experiences lived by groups of teenagers and young people who practice graffiti; sought to comprehend the experiences of the identity of girls who practice graffiti in their everyday experience, and analyze the issues of identity in adolescence and their practical educational implications in a contemporary youth culture of those who live in the periphery of town [the poorer areas of town]. Different sorts of contacts were made with teenagers and youngsters who are participants of the graffiti groups of Campinas: interviews; participation in events; visits to public squares, shops and bars where such youngsters involved with graffiti meet, the production of a video with a group of graffiti participants, the purchasing and examination of magazines and sites in the Internet. The analysis of the data collected was done through the phenomenological heuristic research method, which endeavored to describe the meaning shared in the experience of those interviewed. The experience of identity, gender and participation in graffiti was constructed through a multireference reading, described in identities situated in the living out of an intense quest for acceptance and self-understanding through the sense of community located in the conscience of belonging to a gender, a race and a social class. In this sense, the experiences of identity captured with the girls were described as a strategic resettlement in which the past living experiences (individual and collective) are rescued for the construction of new forms of transformation of the social reality and of their lives in the present, as well as of new forms of political legitimization. The educational experiences in graffiti, lived through a non-formal practice of education, became privileged strategies of human development that help teenagers and young people to minimize the negative impact of social exclusion in their identities, as well as to elaborate ? through art, culture and politics - a proactive and affirming grasp of life experiences as they situate themselves socially, keeping away from other forms, as crime, drugs and violence


cultura grafitos jovens identidade adolescencia

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