Adjuntos adnominais preposicionados no portugues brasileiro




Adopting the Minimalist Program (Chomsky 1995, 2000, 2001), this thesis concentrates on adnominal prepositional phrases in Brazilian Portuguese, proposing a formal picture to account for syntatic and semantic properties of adjuncts introduced by de ?of?, em ?in, on?, com ?with? e para ?for?. I explore the idea that adnominal adjuncts introduced by de are not prepositional phrases, but DPs/NPs that receive the preposition only in the PF branch. In respect of em, com, para and some complex prepositions, it is considered that phrases introduced by such items exhibit a clausal architecture, with categories similar to the ones identified in sentential domains (Koopman (1997), Den Dikken (2003)). It will be proposed that modified DPs can be inserted in the specifier position of p (light preposition), following Svenonius (2004a). The analysis also explore Hornstein, Nunes &Pietroski?s (2006) proposal for adjunct configurations, showing that the notion of unlabeled adjunction is capable of explaining relevant properties involving the extraction of prepositional phrases and modified nominal constituents. The thesis concludes that the main semantic and syntatic differences between de and em/com/para adjuncts result from the fact that de adnominal phrases don?t have a prepositional clausal structure, but correspond to true DPs/NPs in the syntax


prepositions lingua portuguesa - gramatica lingua portuguesa - preposições minimalist program lingua portuguesa - morfologia genitive phrases deictic adverbs locative constituents lingua portuguesa - sintaxe adjunct configuration nominal constituents

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