"Adaptação cultural da Burn Specific Health Scale-Revised - BSHS-R: versão para brasileiros que sofreram queimaduras" / "Cultural adaptation of the “Burn Specific Health Scale-Revised” (BSHSR): version for Brazilian burn victims"




The perceived health state of burn victims has been assessed using specific instruments, such as the “Burn Specific Health Scale-Revised” (BSHS-R). Some researchers to measure health-related quality of life have used it. The instrument consists of 31 items, divided into six subscales (Simple abilities, Skin sensitivity, Treatment, Work, Affect/body image and Interpersonal relations). This study aimed to: adapt the BSHS-R to Portuguese; assess face and construct validity and reliability of the adapted version in sample of Brazilian burn victims. The adaptation process followed the methodological steps: translation of the BSHS-R to Portuguese; evaluation by an expert committee; “back-translation” of the Portuguese version into English, comparison between the two English versions; semantic analysis of scale items; pretest of the adapted version and application of the final Portuguese version to burn victims. Study participants were 82 persons hospitalized at the Burns Unit of the Ribeirão Preto Medical School Hospital das Clínicas. Most participants were men (56/82; 68.3%), married (52/82; 63.4%), with ages ranging from 18 to 78 years (mean = 38.5; SD = 13.9) and low education levels (47.6% with incomplete basic education or illiterate). As to burn-related aspects, the mean burned body surface was 19.3%; 24.4% of cases presented typical third-degree burns and 63.4% mixed second and third-degree burns. Recovery time after discharge ranged from 17 days to 6 years; 67.9% of the interviewees had suffered the burns less than one year before the study. All participants presented sequelae and 53 (64.6%) of them suffered both esthetical and functional sequelae. What the BSHS-R is concerned, answers ranged from 1 to 5, with a possible interval for the sum of the 31 items varying between 31 and 155; the higher the score, the better the perceived health state. We obtained high mean scores for each of the 31 scale items (3.8 + 0.8) and a total mean score of 119.4 + 24.6. To analyze construct validity, we verified the confirmation of our hypothesis for convergence between BSHS-R and self-esteem and divergence between BSHS-R and depression. Positive and moderate correlations were found between self-esteem and Affect/body image and Interpersonal relations. As to inverse correlations between depression and BSHS-R domains, we found moderate correlations with: Skin sensitivity and Interpersonal Relations and high correlation with: Affect/body image. With respect to the reliability of the adapted version, the application of internal consistency tests (Cronbach’s alfa) found a statistically significant result, with an alfa of 0.94 for the instrument as a whole and scores ranging from 0.74 to 0.94 between domains. These results demonstrate that the adapted version of the BSHS-R for Portuguese attends to the validity and reliability criteria required for a health state assessment instrument and maintains the properties of the original version.


quality of life health state qualidade de vida queimadura estado de saúde burn

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