Ações intersetoriais de educação e saude : entre teoria e pratica




This paper has focused on the study of an intersectorial project developed by a school and a UBS (Primary Service`s Health) in the city of Campinas, and has as its fundamental challenge to analyse, from the speeches of the social actors involved (professionals of health and education), which are the limitations and policies of their practices with the respective official political proposals of Health and Education. The notion for social representation of Moscovici, as a form of know-how built on the daily individual and social relations inserted in the collectivity, was used as a methodological referential to analyse the speeches. Thus, the perceptions, concepts and life experiences linked to intersectorial practices were drawn from the subjects? speeches, trying to correlate them to the speeches related to the formal policies in this respect. It was possible to identify, from the study of institutuional policies regarding the conceptions of health and education, that in Brazil both are constitutionally seen as fundamental rights of the citizen, being the responsibility of the State the creation and development of policies that aim to promote health and education oriented to the full exercise of Brazilian citizenship. Besides, the formal speech shows the proposition of partnerships between sectors to achieve these goals, according to the analysis of fundamental principles of the SUS (United Health System) and from the Family Health program Paidéia, from the city of Campinas. The empirical study, made through semi-structured interviews with the actors, tried show the differences between theory and practice, in order to find the main advances, perspectives and limitations regarding intesectoriality. As the subjects?s speeches were studied, it was shown that there still prevails, among them, an explanation based on a single cause of the health-sickness process, as well as the priorization of individual and medical treatments. It was identified the daily practice of educational verticalized an fragmented actions, based on the ?finished? transmission of knowledge. There was also the conclusion that teachers, parents and children do not take part in the whole work process, occupying two main functions: to show the problems and receive the educational actions from the ?people from the station?. However, the multidisciplinary health work, the preocupation with school reality in the building of the project and the search to develop a systematize and continuous intersectorial work between Scholl and UBS (Primary Service`s Health) have shown significative advances in the development of the aforesaid intersectorial work, aiming the promotion of health


public health ação intersetorial educação promotion of health intersectoriality education promoção da saude

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