Ação do estrógeno e progesterona na mucosa nasal humana: avaliação do transporte mucociliar nasal de sacarina e pesquisa de receptores hormonais através de método imuno-histoquímico / Estrogen and progesterone influence in human nasal mucosa: evaluation of nasal saccharin mucociliary transport and test for hormone receptors with immunohistochemical staining




Although nasal mucociliary clearance has been thoroughly studied, there is controversial evidence that it is directly influenced by female sex hormones. This study focused on: 1. evaluating saccharin nasal mucociliary transport in both sexes and during the follicular, periovulatory and luteal phases of consecutive ovarian cycles, and 2. identifying the expression and localisation of estrogen and progesterone receptors in human nasal mucosa from inferior turbinates of patients in reproductive age. Saccharin nasal mucociliary transport was prospectively evaluated in 14 nonsmoking healthy volunteers aged 15 to 30 years (7 males and 7 females, mean age 23.5 years) who had no nasal complaints. In females, saccharin nasal mucociliary transport was measured in the follicular, periovulatory and luteal phases during two consecutive ovarian cycles (five cases) or three consecutive cycles (two cases). In males, the saccharin nasal mucociliary transport was randomly repeated three times (two cases) or six times (five cases). Estrogen and progesterone receptor expression in human nasal mucosa was retrospectively assessed by immunohistochemistry in archival, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded inferior nasal conchae from 20 patients submitted to partial inferior turbinectomy whose ages were matched to their of the volunteers (10 male and 10 female patients aged 15 to 33 years, mean age 22.1 years). Immunohistochemistry used mouse monoclonal antibodies against estrogen receptor (6F11 clone, Novocastra) and progesterone receptor (16 clone, Novocastra) separately. There were no significant differences in saccharin nasal mucociliary transport among follicular, periovulatory and luteal phases in consecutive ovarian cycles, nor between sexes (p=.08). Even though, considering the first ovarian cycle only, saccharin nasal mucociliary transport was faster during the follicular phase (p=.03). Estrogen and progesterone receptors were found in the cytoplasm of serous glands of the lamina propria exclusively in males (6/10 males and 3/10 males respectively). In conclusion, estrogen and progesterone did not influence repeated measures of saccharin nasal mucociliary transport in males and females with no nasal complaints. Nevertheless, estrogen and progesterone receptors were found in seromucous glands of the lamina propria in males, indicating that both hormones might act directly over nasal mucus production


immunohistochemistry/methods receptors progesterone/analysis women hormônios progestacionais/fisiologia estrogens/physiology homens imunohistoquímica/métodos receptores de progesterona/análise estrógenos/fisiologia men mulheres

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