Aborto eugênico - delito qualificado pelo preconceito ou discriminação




ABSTRACT The amazing technological advances in prenatal exams have reintroduced discussions on the right to abortion. The possibility of observing the development of the fetus since its early stages and being able to detect possible abnormalities in advance creates a new legal scenario involving the possibility of ending pregnancy before its term that is, abortion when doctors verify the existence of malformation that can make life outside the womb impossible. Since the early 1990s, hundreds of court decisions have authorized the early ending of pregnancy in view of a serious fetal abnormality, mainly in the cases of anencephaly. The defenders of this new type of abortion, the so-called eugenic abortion, allege that the elimination of the fetus should be authorized as it does not stand any chances of surviving. Some define it as a stillborn child, thus creating an analogy between anencephaly and brain death. Moreover, they say that submitting a woman to withstand pregnancy of an anencephalic child can be compared to submitting her to cruel or degrading treatment, as, at the end of the nine-month term the child will die, which means the mother will suffer unbearable distress. The purpose of this work is to alert the defenders of eugenic abortion that the abnormal fetus is a living being and eliminating it on the grounds that it shows physical characteristics that do not meet the parents expectations is a crime aggravated by motivation based on prejudice and, further, it is the first step towards the implementation of a eugenic, racist policy, leading to the purification of the human race, which has been repelled by the Brazilian Constitution.


eugenic abortion dignidade humana anencefalia direito penal right to abortion direito à vida anencephaly direito penal eugenia aborto eugênico aborto

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