AÃÃo de algicidas sobre microalgas de efeito antiestÃtico em embalagens de Ãgua engarrafada




The depth waters impound can show some micro seaweed development, favoring the biofilms formation by the favorable hygienic conditions and light incidence. Then, adequate hygienic procedures that avoid the formation or that remove the biofilms will contribute to the quality preservation of the bottled waters. The samples were formed of water packages with alteration by the development of the micro seaweeds that comes from two bottlers companies from the Agreste and Litoral of Pernambuco â Brazil. There were used two different kinds of 20 Liters propilen packages and tereftalado de polietileno de 5L. Two kinds of micro seaweeds were identified: Stichosiphon (5L) e Microcystis robusta (20L). There was evaluated the abrasive action of small stones with chlorine alkaline detergent associated to different algicides (ac. peracetic and ammonia quaternary) in two contact times (5 and 15 minutes) over the inhibition of the micro seaweeds growth. It was observed that in the 20L samples all the treatments showed some effectiveness. On the 5L samples the mechanic action use with the chlorine alkaline detergent followed by the chemic sanitization was that showed better results, allowing to conclude that the association of different treatments (mechanic and chemic) on the recipients cleanness permited to eliminate the formed biofilms by seaweeds in bottled waters


nutricao water algas algicidas algicides algae Ãgua

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