A tutela jurídica das comunidades quilombolas


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present work aims to study the rules of the Brazilian legal system, and the guidelines of international law, ratified by Brazil, with focus on international treaties that protect human rights and legal mechanisms to identify those capacity to safeguard the maroon communities in accordance with the constitutional command. The research also aims to investigate the legal effectiveness of the constitutional provision under Article 68 of the Transitory Constitutional Provisions and finally enter into the study of the constitutionality or unconstitutionality of Decree 4887 of November 20, 2003, regulating the procedure identification, recognition, demarcation and titling of lands occupied by the maroon communities. All research topics are directly linked to questions of recognition and affirmation of the black population in Brazil. The interdisciplinary study aimed at the path to understanding the legal concepts that traced the history of Brazilian black cumin in a slave, until the advent of the 1988 Constitution, which the keynote of their fundamental principles in Articles 215, 216 and Article 68 of the Transitional Constitutional Provisions Act, redeem and humanize the dignity of an entire population that for centuries was the target of terrorist attack committed with people because of his black race and its culture.


maroon communities direitos humanos racismo constituição quilombolas direito constitution racism human rights

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