A tutela jurídica do "capital intelectual" das sociedades empresárias / The legal protection of the intellectual capital




In the current post-industrial age, knowledge becomes the main production factor of the economy. Indeed, it provides the company with its main competitive advantage in the globalized market: the innovation, that is, the capacity of continuously generating new products, processes and services or enhance the existing ones. The companys organization as business company allows the creation of collective knowledge arising from the professional work of its partners, officers and employees, which fact originated the term intellectual capital, created in the economic scope to designate the corporate equity of intangible nature resulting from intellectual contributions. As the Law came after the evolution of the companies and of the Economics, it is noted the importance of the constant search for legal solutions, the new socioeconomic realities that appear along the history. In view of that, the analysis of the legal nature and of the forms of protection of the intellectual capital becomes critical for the identification and private appropriation of such equity by the business company, either by means of the exercising of exclusive rights or by the implementation of governance mechanisms capable of ensuring the differentiation of the corporate activity in the market and the required restraining of unfair competition practices.


capital social concorrência desleal direito empresarial estabelecimento comercial intangible intellectual capital intellectual property propriedade intelectual sociedade comercial unfair competition

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