A terra e a construção de uma poética da leveza / A terra e a construção de uma poética da leveza




This research approaches the relation between the lightness and weight, between materiality and immateriality, starting from the element earth. It is the creation of a set of productions starting from this dense, resistant substance that tends to weight, exploring its limits, searching for its lightness and immateriality. The present work unites reports of this construction, as well as the reflexion of some questions that appeared during the process. It reports the recovery of traditional techniques, such as the translucent porcelain and the processes of sensitisation of photographic supports that come from the origin of photography. From a new interpretation of this tradition a contemporary form of poetics is constructed. The work is permeated by the relationship between bi-dimensional and three- dimensional elements and the hybrids. On one hand ones attention turns to the form and to the volumetric analysis, and furthermore to the search for depth of this body taking as starting point the translucency of the substance. On the other hand, the focus of interest is pulled to the surface, retaking the photographic image to my work, in attempt to create a three dimensional representation of the image.


tridimensão leveza porcelana translúcida processos fotográficos tridimensão cerâmica processos fotográficos leveza cerâmica terra terra porcelana translúcida

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