A rodovia BR-101 - SUL (trecho entre Palhoça, São José e acesso à Florianópolis) : desenvolvimento regional e turismo na Grande Florianópolis




This study analyzes a portion of the BR-101 Sul, a federal highway completed in 1971, which runs along the Santa Catarina coast from North to South, between Palhoça, São José and the access road to Florianópolis. The decision to analyze just one portion of this highway was based on the understanding that a study of this portion would reflect the reality of a region of the state that is served by this important federal highway, focusing on aspects of its construction and its widening to two lanes. The decision to focus on the portion running through Greater Florianópolis is justified by the fact that this is a region of the Santa Catarina coast which has seen significant demographic and economic growth, as well as an intense flow of tourists. It is also precisely in this area that the widened portion reaches (BR-101 northbound) the southbound portion currently under construction (BR-101 southbound Palhoça- SC Osório-RS). The highway can be seen as a system in which the road, and the space around it, undergo constant alterations. These can be examined through the theoretical-methodological framework proposed by Milton Santos (1982; 1986 and 1997), which enables to understand the influence of relations of production in the spatial organization, its changes and adaptations to conform to the dynamic of the capitalist system. It considers the articulations between the two spheres (social and spatial), the role of the public authorities, the economic forces, the relationship between capital and labor, and the natural elements that are determining factors in the planning of the highway and the flows of people and goods that use it, since each element presents a value, and it is only through the movement of all the elements, taken together as a whole, that each element can be valorized. The BR-101, throughout practically its entire length along the Santa Catarina coast, is also an interurban and regional communication route, thereby extrapolating its function as a federal highway. The demands placed on the highway route and its surroundings are also considered, through the views of the authorities responsible, using the method of analysis of social representations proposed by Spink (2003), based on the understanding that this method is a form of practical knowledge that seeks a common sense understanding. The Marxist theory of commodity fetishism was also used, due to the relationship that exists between people and the landscape, and the relationship between this context and the automobile


organização sócio-espacial socio-spatial organization infraestrutura viária turismo tourism desenvolvimento regional turismo regional development highway infrastructure

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