A representaÃÃo dos ouvintes sobre o desenvolvimento do estudante surdo e as implicaÃÃes na/pela linguagem




The following master Degree paper is briefly portraying an empiric research with comprehensive ethnographic basis, based on the symbolic and cooperative interactions. It proposes an analysis of the social interactions of the individual in his scholar, familiar and leisure ambience in which the interpretations and reality view of the individuals is constructed. Based on this premise two groups of deaf students inserted in the elementary school in the Second Phase in the West Region of Paranà State were focused on. The first group attends classes at Antonio Maximiliano Ceretta State School located in Marechal CÃndido Rondon, and is constituted of 3 students enrolled in the 7th grade of Regular School. The second group attends classes at Jardim Gisele State School in Toledo, and is constituted of 7 students enrolled in the 8th grade. From the observations of the social interactions of these deaf individuals it was possible to obtain data to perform a more criterions analysis of their narratives. The theme focused on this paper, however, comes from the questioning linked to the deafness, once the educations of these people continues demanding a constant reflection of the professionals on what are the best ways to be followed and the possible performances of the teachers in the scholar context, in whose space are inserted students with special educational needs. In this sense, there is a concern in situating the reader in what really is deafness and about the deaf individual raising the necessity of social and political awareness about which these people that try to conquer this space are defending their cultural value and their language that most of the time does not exist in the listener. Wore, which is the result of continuous and collective work of the individuals in this group. The deaf has an example a bitter and sad history so that the society nowadays rethinks and re-evaluates the interrelations and the forms of domain, trying to perceive and value the human differences. This paper aims to discuss about the acquisition process of knowledge by the deaf individual as well as the discursive processes of the Brazilian Signal Language (LIBRAS) in the narrative style of the bakhtinianas theories. The analysis will be developed from the stories told by the deaf students, in which they tell their own life history, reporting the difficulties, their world knowledge construction, their dialogue relation with the people that are part of their social, familiar and scholar circle. This analysis will be in the sense of understanding the process of meaning that occurs through the Signal Language in the dialogue established in these social interactions, agreeing on the bakhtinianas concepts when it claims that it is from an ideologue comprehension chain that knowledge is produced in a continuous way in the subjects. Thus, following this, it will be possible to show how is necessary the social, familiar and of the multiple voices and eventually in the psyco and cognitive formation of these individuals.


prÃtica pedagÃgica pedagogic practice surdez letras deafness linguagem language

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