A (Re)invenção do comunismo: discurso anticomunista católico nas grandes imprensas brasileira e argentina no contexto dos golpes militares de 1964 e 1966


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




During the decade of 1960, Brazil and Argentina were going through a deep political, social and economic crisis that took to the deposition of the civil presidents by the Army - João Goulart, in 1964, in Brazil and Arturo Illia, in 1966, in Argentina. Simultaneously to this political moment, the world catholicism was under intense transformations due to the first Social Encyclicals of John XXIII (Pacem in Terris e Mater et Magistra) and to the Ecumenical Council Vatican II (1962 - 1965). The focus of the research was the catholic anti-comunist discourse that was spread in the press of the city of Porto Alegre ("Correio do Povo" and "Diário de Notícias) and of the city of Buenos Aires ("La Nación", "La Razón" and "Clarín), between the years of 1961 and 1967. Through the analysis of the sources in a perspective that deemed three theoretical-methodological levels that are complimentar to each other - the imaginary, the representations and the discourse levels - and two realities - Brazil and Argentina - the study aimed to identify and analyse the catholic anti-comunist manifestation in the newspapers above mentioned. Based on the period of political crisis before the military coups, the first chapter of this work shows the variety of the presence of the catholic anti-comunism in the press of these two countries, the intense impact and the debates that were done in this context, the effective participation of the press in the divulgation of the catholic anti-comunism and, finally, the representations that were operationalized in order to define the identities of the comunists and the anti-comunists. The second chapter is about the discussion that emerged from the internal split of the catholicism due to the doutrinary and theoretical renovation in the decade of 1960. It had a direct influence in the catholic anti-comunism manifestations. In this way, it was possible to identify that the internal conflicts of the institution became one of the main vectors of anti-comunist manifestations built to represent groups and individuals that belonged to the Church and that were considered as "dissidents" or "progressists", either from the church hierarchy or from the laic apostolate. The analysis of the period after the military coups in the government of both countries was developed in the third chapter. Besides the demonstration of the influence, the support and the participation of catholic people in the military coups, this study identified the main reestructurations that the catholic anti-comunist discourse went through due to the representative presence of militars in charge. In the conclusion of this study, it is possible to realize the predominace and recurrence of the catholic anti-comunist discourse in the press, and to comprehend the importance and active presence of this discourse in the consolidation of the conservative imaginary - from a political and religious point of view - and to understand the experience of dictatorial governments.


anticomunismo católico grande imprensa brasil argentina golpes militares catholic anti-comunism press brazil military coup historia

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