A (re)invenção da ação coletiva : participação urbana, conflitualidades e segregação sócio-espacial em Goiânia




On this work, we indicate how a linear and one-way definition to social movements, besides being not viable, could not be scientifically accepted for not following their diffuse characteristics and modifications along time. First of all we located scientific and theoric studies, national and foreign, in order to identify the explanatory range and limitations about the chosen thematic. Empirically, we adopt as a main analytic goal the origin conditions and unfoldings of the collective action of urban occupation of an area in the east zone of Goiânia, city located in the Brazilian mid-west, which came to be known as Jardim Dom Fernando I, whose occurrence began in 1987 and has unsolved elements until today. To develop the research, it was important to consider the social relations system in which that action took place, definition of the ways the collective actors went through and the construction of the collective identities. We considered that the collective actor is who socially builds the collective action, by elaborateness and re-elaborateness of the factors of conjunctural types in an interactive and negotiated system of orientations relative to the ends, means and environment of the action. Therefore, it is regarded how much the collective actions are ruled by multiple non-linear and sometimes circular or spiraled causalities and fruit of human interferences. We began from the assumption of the claiming and instrumental contents of a given collective action, but we also considered the orientations, opportunities and systemic coercions in a connection with them. For this, it was necessary an attempt to understand how the collective actors (re)signify old exigencies in a context of the contemporary society in which instrumental objectives and symbolic contents of the action articulate, simultaneously, and with more complexity than in former times. Operationally, we adopt the conception of Social Movements as a system of action compound and endowed with meanings, objectives, solidarity, organization and referred to a system of social relations, whose importance is the search for ruptures of the compatibilities of such system, forcing it to go beyond the limits of its structure (MELUCCI, 2001). Moreover, we divided this research in three chapters. On the first chapter we discuss analyses and theoretical perspectives about the social movements, according to Brazilian and foreign authors. On the second chapter we located the discussions that took to the planning and construction of Goiânia. On the third we passed by issues related to the reproduction of the urban space and socio-spatial contradictions that were created. On the fourth chapter we analyze the movement of urban occupation that generated the district Dom Fernando I, from the perspectives presented above. We observed that three conjunctures were constructed in the formation process of the researched district. They are characterized by the creation of temporal identities, which are: political district, consolidation of space, constructions of solidarities. We demonstrated with this the dynamic character of the resistance forms and re-elaborateness of the criteria for the collective struggles of the studied social movement.


relações humanas sociologia movimentos sociais

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