A Psicopedagogia na escola : uma "nova roupagem" para antigas questões da relação Psicologia e Educação?




This research tried to analyze the theoretic methodology basis of Psychopedagogy in order to uncover its purposes, raising the question about the come back of psychologism in education. The methodological procedures applied were the analysis of publications of the Associação de Psicopedagogia (Psychopedagogy Association): the Boletim (Bulletin) and Revista Brasileira de Psicopedagogia (Brazilian Magazine of Psychopedagogy). The present analysis was not concerned with the quality of the referred publications, but with their approach and theoretical tendencies. The years running from 1984 up to 1994, were the ones defined for analysis considering that at that time the association of psychopedagogues was being structured and defined and their encounters and seminars reflected the consolidation of the identity and professional delimitation of the area. .+The results from these analysis indicate the recovering of the former relationship between Psychology and Education, gathering a new strength to the use of psychology in educational procedures. The psychological approach is the emphasis of these publications. One believes that Psychology has not been excluded from school and from the imaginary of educators when you notice that they remain demanding for Psychological evaluation when explaining educational difficulties. The relationship between Psychology and Education is possible, but not based on the pathological versants that seem to be the configurations assumed by Psychopedagogy who keeps on relating itself to fragmented, individually centered and abstract explanations for human comprehension. This relationship between Psychology and Education is equivocal. Psychology based on a concrete human being perspective, socially and culturally inserted, will have more chances in finding an important space in Education.


psicopedagogia educacao education psychopedagogy educação psicologia psychology

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