A propriedade cultivada na escola do MST: a Pedagogia do Oprimido na promoção da dignidade humana




This study attempts to explain the concept property rights that emerges as a fundamental value to be developed by schools linked to the Brazil s Landless Workers Movement (MST). From their struggle for land, the MST holds a struggle for an education committed to the emancipation of who must be educated that is not the condition of a student from school, but all who seek knowledge and, through this, the transformation of society. To combine the struggle for land with a project of education for liberation, the MST has the Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire the theoretical indispensable reference for building a new society that openly opposes the capitalist system based on individualism and economic success as an end itself. To articulate a education for liberation and fight for access to rights, especially the property rights, the MST is proposing to build an ethical sense that merges a new relationship of humankind with the earth, making it the House, or the place of production and reproduction of life in all fullness


luta pela terra direito de propriedade -- brasil movimento dos trabalhadores rurais sem terra property rights educacao educacao -- filosofia freire, paulo -- 1921-1997 education dignidade

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