A proposta pedagógica para a educação física escolar nas séries iniciais da rede pública estadual paulista: as manifestações dos professores / Pedagogical proposal for Physical Education Basic in the inicial series of net state of São Paulo: the manifestations of the teachers




The objective of this work was to investigate the manifestations of the teachers of Physical Education, operating in the initial series of Basic education of the public net state of Sao Paulo, concerning the proposal pedagogical elaborated by the Secretariat of the Education in the year of 2003, when occurred the return of the attribution of lessons for the specialist teacher in Physical Education and Arts. This return was accompanied of a proposal to be implemented by the teachers, who would have to use the material produced for the SEE-SP/CENP. The agreement searched as, in the condition of agents of the education process, they had disclosed front to the external demands: as they had received and they implanted to such proposal, the reasons of the adhesion or resistance, as well as the modifications effected at the moment of the application. Six teachers of the DERCO had been interviewed (Direction of Education of the Regional Campinas West), being three experienced and three beginning ones in the teaching in 2003. For analysis of the collected data it was used as base authors who namely deal with the influences that the school and the teachers suffer from the some superior ranches: Apple and Teitelbaun (1991), Rasp (2003), Contreras (2002), Perez Go mez and Gimeno Sacristán (1998) and Hutmacher (1996) and Gimeno Sacristán (1999), beyond authors who argue the relation between knowing and practical teachings Tardif e Raymond (2000) e Tardif (2002). The results pointed that: 1) teachers had lost to the requirements of the rationality technique, having indicated that the proposal of the CENP assisted in the planning of the work, at the same time where if they had felt valued; 2) the experienced teachers, when placed ahead of the external demands, had adhered to the proposal, while the beginning ones, with the temporary adhesion to the proposal, had exactly indicated that its practical is guided by other approaches that was not defend it in the proposal; 3) as the experienced teachers as well as the beginning ones had not been mere reproducers: they had obtained to the new meanings of the proposal when of its application; 4) the experienced teachers had had an almost total initial adhesion to the proposal, especially adopting the developed conception in present in it, whereas the beginning ones had tended to the partial adhesion and the adoption of other conceptions of the Physical Education


ensino fundamental physical education for children políticas educacionais educacao educational politics educacao fisica para criancas prática de professores professores de educacao fisica practical of the teachers pratica de ensino

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