A prática pedagógica na formação do profissional enfermeiro para atuar em saúde pública




This research shows the study of the pedagogical practice of Nurse in formation to work in the Public Health. The main question of this research is focused in how the students and teachers of nursing graduation course of the Ponta Grossa State University (UEPG) perceive the formation to act in Public Health? The main purpose of this investigation is to analyse the perception of teachers and students of Nursing Graduation Course of Ponta Grossa State University about the pedagogical practice and verify their knowledge to work in the Public Health. The nature of this study claims to qualitative research approach. Focused group, half-structuralized interview and documents analysis were required. The guided questions of this survey in relation to students and professors try to examine the pedagogical practice perceived in the related course. A bibliographical survey on the formation of this professional was made, considering the health policies in Brazil. The guided questions in the focalized group brought aspects of the pedagogical practice lived deeply by the students and professors in the course. To analyse the speeches, the Bardin content analysis was chosen, the references about Rizzotto Public Health, Mendes and considering the pedagogical practice the studies about Cunha, Bordenave and Berbel. The research showed that the content contextualization is prized in the pedagogical practice of nursing course and it can integrate the community and that there is a strong action direction to work in nursing assistance to the patient. The research showed that the challenge for Nursing in Public Health has been: the (re)construction of the assistant practice in order to contribute for the health assistance integration. The speeches also suggest that the Public Health knowledge in nursing formation can develop the capacity to manage, understand the reality of its organization and to practice a management process directed toward the community expectations.


educacao saúde pública enfermeiros - formação enfermagem - estudo e ensino

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