A Pedra e a Torre : narrativas sobre os cristianismos de Pedro e Maria Madalena




This dissertation aims to analyze the exclusion of women in the beginnings of Christianity, by analyzing two works: the Gnostic gospel of Mary Magdalene (circa sec. IV ad) and the novel The Wild Girl, by contemporary British author, Michele Roberts. Theres no way to discuss the history of Christianity without a word on the Roman Church. But the orthodoxy wasnt born ready, it had to impose itself, through years of theological battles. Its main act was the conversion of the emperor Constantine and the right, given by him, to exercise police authority on faith matters. From that day on Rome could persecute and punish the heretics. One of those groups were the Gnostics; they believed in a mother goddess, creator of all, they professed that the fall and the original sin were not to be blamed on women, they also said that the main apostle was not Peter, but Mary Magdalene , of whom they claimed to be spiritual heirs. The Gnostic view of women was much more favorable than that held by the orthodoxy, that was, at that exact moment, excluding women from the places of church power. Women have been very important for the founding of Christianity, they were preachers and priestesses , but, once the movement was joined with the Roman State, the orthodoxy said that women should go back to their domestic sphere. Michele Roberts tried to discuss that historical injustice and wrote a work that, by simulating a gospel, retells the birth of Christianity, in Magdalenes point of view. Based on the Gnostic gospel of Magdalene, The Wild Girl intertwines many narrative techniques with a strong feminist perspective to undermine the patriarchal metanarrative that demonized the body and reified women. The main goal on analising these works is to find a common ground between them, deconstruction, reconstruction, speech themes. Beyond intertextuality and the metafictional transformations of Roberts, the two works will be seen under their literary condition of verbal structures. The literary aspect will join the historical, political and even theological questions. A second goal is to present not what happened, but what could have happened, that is, to listen to stories about silenced, different Christianities, with the possibility of a woman founder. The point is to analise a gospel from the second century and a novel from the XXth century, as we travel through a christian tradition that was put out and them brought back. To do this, the main theoretical basis used will be: gender studies, teory of history and historiographic metafiction.


feminismo metaficção historiográfica literatura brasileira gnosticismo

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