A partir da inspetoria de Educação Física de Minas Gerais (1927-1937): movimentos para a escolarização da educação física no estado




This study deals with the creation, the activities and the decline of the Inspetoria de Educação Física de Minas Gerais, that was conceived in 1927 according to the Rules for Primary Education and that had declined in 1937. Our main purpose was to understand how that institution played a role in the schooling process of Physical Education in Minas Gerais. We were interested in explain the way that Inspectorate, in developing and carrying out its actions, called up some elements of educative process: times, spaces, subjects, school practices and people. Thinking about the manner that institution modeled the Physical Education, it was possible to indicate that the Inspectorate was a producing site of new configurations to this school discipline in Minas. Such productions were related to the movement of pedagogical renewal from that period aiming to make school more attractive, active and efficient. To understand this Inspectorates model for the Physical Education, it was also important to highlight the role of the teachers that composed its working group, in particular its Inspector Renato Eloy de Andrade. Perceiving the places he was in contact, it was possible to identify the ideas, the expectations and initiatives for the Physical Education that circulated in other Brazilian states and in other countries. The primary sources used in this study were composed by official documents from the State: the Jornal Minas Gerais and the Revista de Ensino. Publications that were important means to divulgate the educational policies of Minas. Its discourses, articles, solemnities acts, norms and others, telling about the Physical Education Inspectorate, provided fundamental signs for the present study. In addition, it was used some state norms concerning education, Physical Education and sports, personal documents offered by Renato Eloy de Andrades family, others publications referring to Physical Education and some sources from the Associação Brasileira de Educação. All these documents showed the Inspectorates emphasis on actions to better qualify those teachers responsible for the Physical Education in schools. At the same time, those initiatives, all together, demonstrated the Inspectorate desire to produce a model to the Physical Education at school. In that program such discipline was announced within a set of orientations stating the knowledges about the infancy; the students interests guiding the education, psychological and physiological knowledges helping the teachers actions; games and calisthenics as special practices for the Physical Education classes. The study of all these Inspectorates proposals and initiatives revealed some features assumed by a broader schooling process of Physical Education in Minas Gerais.


educação história minas gerais séc xx teses educação física estudo e ensino

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