A negatividade em mestre Eckhart e sua influÃncia na analÃtica existencial de Martin Heidegger




This present work tries to demonstrate the structural kinships between Meister EckhartÂs religious mysticism and Martin HeideggerÂs Existencial Analysis. Such task is based on the structural analysis of the Existencial Analysis and its consequences on HeideggerÂs thought: the Nothing, the existencial difference, the DaseinÂs transcendence, the heideggerian comprehension on axiety, alÃtheia, lÃgos and BeingÂs destination as well as the eckhartian comprehension on God, World, Soul, Abgeschiedenheit, Gelassenheit, difference and Negativity. The initial idea for this approach came from the philosophical speculations by John D. Caputo in his work The Mystical Element in HeideggerÂs Thought. Defining, therefore, the Tradition itself which Meister Eckhart joins himself â Philo of Alexandria, Plotinus, and Dionisius â is trying to limit with more clarity the eckhartianÂs thought itself and its whole influence on HeideggerÂs thought. Our task articulates itself in the History of Philosophy and Hermeneutics- Phenomelogy scope in the way for extracting from the CaputoÂs thought new nuances on the Existencial Analysis and its relationship to the Western philosophical Tradition via Negativity


fenomenologia existencial negativity and gelassenheit (serenity) existencial analysis hermenÃutica angÃstia heidegger, martin negatividade filosofia anxiety abgeschiedenheit (detachment) filosofia

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