A motricidade como base para a aprendizagem : o estudo de um caso pela reorganização neurofuncional




This work, presented in the form of a narrative dissertation, seeks to investigate learning process mechanisms by way of movement ontogeny through Neurofunctional Reorganisation, principally in respect to the activities of reading, interpreting and producing texts. Following an exploratory research methological path, this was achieved through the Case Study of a single subject, accompanied longitudinally over a period of twenty four months, the reporting being done at tive specific moments counting from the initial evaluation. The path content was achieved via readings of the observational categories of Walking, Speaking and Thinking, referring respectively to bodily control and spatial conquest, mutual communication and social comprehension, and perception and self-consciousness as an actuating subjectJn the world. The trajectory of the research seeks to give continuity to this study, which is not seen as an end in itself, but which through its subject s actions reveals itself as an integrative process


leitura capacidade motora aprendizagem

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