A livre circulaÃÃo dos trabalhadores na etapa mercado comum dos processos de integraÃÃo econÃmica regional : uma perspectiva jurÃdica do direito interno e das normas do Mercosul




The current study it is about the freedom of movement of workers in the common market phase on the process of regional economic integration of the âMercado Comum do Sulâ, as known as Mercosul. At first, this research identifies the main law issues not dispensable to stabilize the freedom of movement of workers in any common market phase on the process of regional economic integration. From this identification, it is possible to be specific about the freedom of movement of workers on Mercosul. It also analyses, in a critical way, the legal position of migrant workers in Brazilian law, supported by âEstatuto do Estrangeiroâ (Law 6.815 by 08/19/1980) and by the decree that support it (Decree 86.715 by 12/10/1981). This way the objective is verify, essencialy, how we can apply the abovementioned statues in agreement with the requests of the free future movement of workers in the economic community - Mercosul


freedons of the communities freedom of movement in mercosul movement of migrant workers mercosul livre circulaÃÃo de trabalhadores direito freedom of movement of persons regional economic integration integraÃÃo econÃmica regional livre circulaÃÃo de pessoas livre circulaÃÃo no mercosul mercado comum do sul â mercosul mercado comum do sul liberdades comunitÃrias freedom of movement of workers circulaÃÃo do trabalhador estrangeiro

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