A literatura marginal-periférica na escola / Marginal literature and the school.




The subject of this dissertation is the reading of marginal literary pieces, texts produced by a group of writers from the outskirts of São Paulo city, known as Periferia. Taking in consideration the teaching experiences in middle and high school classes in a public school of São Paulo state and understanding that marginal literature is one of the major influences within the literary field as well as the relation of this group with the publishing market, this study discusses the pertinency of the inclusion of this literature in educational sphere. It was based on the notion of field of Pierre Bourdieu and supplemented by the polysemy of Itamar Even-Zohar. The reading process was seen through the reception theory (Hans Robert Jauss and Vicent Jouve). In order to analyze the elements that help in the process of reader identification, the corpus was Capão Pecado by Ferréz, Graduado em Marginalidade by Sacolinha, Vão by Allan da Rosa and Te Pego Lá Fora by Rodrigo Ciríaco. The conclusion is the value of this kind of literature seems to be related to the social representation and the writing appropriation by historically deprived groups, because of that, the public school readers, raised in the outskirts of a metropolis identify themselves with the texts. Besides the identification, observed during the reading process, it also discusses a need for aloofness, studied in comparison with acting theories.


literatura marginal-periférica school reading teaching prática de ensino identificação e distanciamento marginal literature leitura na escola identification and aloofness

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