A justiciabilidade dos direitos sociais no Brasil: abordagem analítica, empírica e normativa




Concerning social rights justiciability we proceed to a triple approach analytical, empirical and normative - in its subjective dimension. On the analytical plan, we pursue to solidify the concept of justiciability and its relation to other concepts, as well as identify its nature, typology and content. On this plan we conclude that justiciability exists on the pre-process plan, but it is exerted on the process, being different from action right which is instrumental. Justiciability expresses demanding power of jurisdictional providence on right or judicially protected interest. On the empirical plan, we analyze the constitutional justice frame, natural center of protective jurisdiction of fundamental rights, including the social ones and the mechanisms of jurisdictional protection towards them either on individual dimension or transindividual dimension as their aptness and competence constitute the condition to justiciability. With this background, on one hand, we verify the constitutional guarantees to defend social rights, on its individual dimension, are not competent to accomplish the promised protection. We proceed to a critical analysis of judicial praxis and that denounce the current posture of autocontention of Brazilian jurisdiction. On normative plan, we demonstrate and remove the theoretical objections to understand the social rights justiciability, from what we deep in the various fundaments of this attribute. In general, we conclude that, on individual dimension, social rights are misinterpreted, badly guaranteed and badly provided. The deficit objects to the recognition of social rights full justiciability and to Social Justice solidification, put as the principal aim of Brazilian Republic. Its overcoming claims, simultaneously, the accurate exegesis of social rights, the reinforce and adaptation of its guarantees and, above all, Judicial System as protagonist in developing a new role in order to implement a Social State based on dignity of human person


controle da constitucionalidade -- brasil justiciability direitos sociais -- brasil jurisdição constitucional social rights justiciabilidade constitutional jurisdiction justica social direito

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