A investigação e produção de conhecimentos matemáticos com significado na EJA: aprendizagem escolar e o cotidiano na formação de Jovens e Adultos / The reserch and production of mathematical knowledge with meaning in Youth and Adults Education: school learning and everyday life in the training of young people and adults




This dissertation is the result of research developed at the Masters in Education, research line 2 - Training and Educational Professional Practice Professor, University of Oeste Paulista. This study aimed to investigate the perspective of Ethnomathematics, ways of teaching and learning mathematics in Youth and Adults Education, relating empirical knowledge (everyday) with school knowledge. It is descriptive research, with focus theoretical-critical of qualitative character and its design is characterized by an action research. In order to know the subjects and their cognitive styles in the pursuit of meaningful learning, a pilot interview had been done with twenty-three students registered in the second segment of Youth and Adults Education and five of this group attended the resolution of the situations-problem that was designed for data collecting. The results indicated that the mathematics school learning with meaning is possible, since the process of constructing knowledge in context occur, by taking as a starting point the students prior knowledge, the experiences acquired in different places of learning , respecting the socio-historical-cultural context of learners within an educational context ruled in dialogue and reflection.


educacao etnomatemática educação de jovens e adultos aprendizagem significativa ethnomathematics youth and adults education meaningful learning

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