A invenção do indio e as narrativas orais Tupi / The invention of the indigenous subject and the Tupi oral narratives




The invention of the indigenous subject and the Tupi oral narratives. This thesis is divided in two complementary parts. In the first, the work is focused on the representations produced about indigenous subjects. I analyze how, since the first western representations of indigenous people in Brazil, the letters and first images, the colonial system has discursively invented a general indigenous subject, wild, anthropophagous that walks naked; someone who does not produce knowledge. In the second part, based on a field work that involved five groups of the Tupi branch: Tembé, Suruí-Aikewára, Asuriní in Xingu, Mbyá-Guarani at Porto Alegre and São Miguel das Missões, I assume as historical materiality the representations produced by the indigenous people. I analyse two sets of oral narratives of these societies and show that among them there is a sketch of a Tupi discursive memory to be traced, marked with regularities and dispersions. The analysis of narratives makes a discursive approach of indigenous languages. The theoretical basis of this thesis are the principles of discourse analysis, but, by its interdisciplinary nature it transposes to anthropological studies, cultural history and literary theory


indigenous xingu Índios asurini indigenous tupi indigenous surui Índios tupi indios xingu Índios surui indios - brasil - historia indigenous asurini indigenous

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