A interdisciplinaridade nos projetos do ensino medio do CEFET/SP : discurso ou pratica?




The educational reforms of the 1990s caused a great impact on the secondary education, because the compulsory technical education was substituted by a unique basic formation in this phase. The technical schools of the federal system of education had to reformulate their curricula and implement the development of projects. Adopted as a pedagogical principle by the Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio (National Curricular Directions for the Secondary Education), the interdisciplinarity has been gaining ground in the teaching institutions as a new methodology. However, both the lack of agreement about its concept in educational/academic environment and its non-prescriptive character have been showing a series of mistakes in the practical field. Due to a variety of obstacles ? epistemological, institutional, methodological, material, psychological, formational and cultural ? the interdisciplinarity practice adopted without an effective program to enable teachers and re-qualify them can bring to itself the possibility of loosing the curricular references. Moreover, it can turn into a new fashion, causing non-desired differences on the basic formation intended by the Secondary Education. More precisely concentrated on the diversified part of the curriculum, in the Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica (Federal Center Of Technological Education), previous Escola Técnica Federal de São Paulo (Federal Technical School of São Paulo), the interdisciplinarity was adopted as an orientation principle of projects. This study, of a qualitative character, intends to investigate how the implementation of this principle linked to the developement of project happened, how far it is being contemplated, and under what material and intersubjective conditions this work is being developed, according to the view of the subjects involved in it -students, teachers and principals. Regarding this, the curricular matters and the pedagogical practice cannot be isolated from the political-ideological context, wich surrounds them. For this reason, it was tried to articulate the occurred facts in the classroom, specifically concerning the development of projects, with the ways of organizing a school in our society, placing it in the scenery of the public policies of the last decade. In the aspect analyzed, this study aimed some explanations to the reality in that the CEFET/SP was dived, at least, since the neoliberal politics were implanted in the school. The ideal of practice manifested himself in the representations and in the talks, while that to practical possible was subordinated to the professional, personal and institutional conditions, determined by the dominant interests through of those that lend him service. Therefore, the epistemological base of the pedagogical practices developed us projects of the CEFET/SP presented itself in contradiction. The traditional one emphasized the theory, while that the New School remitted to the practical one: excluded itself mutually. The emphasis in a minimized the relevance of another. To overcome that dichotomy just will be possible arriving to the theory through of the practic


curriculos didatica interdisciplinarity ensino medio education formation projects metodologia methodology

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