A holistic analysis of the profile of teachers and educational strategies for teaching and relationships: an application in teaching of engineering production / Uma análise holística do perfil pedagógico de docentes e suas estratégias de ensino e relacionamento: uma aplicação no ensino de engenharia de produção




Relying on theoretical propositions and thinkers of classical education and the three main approaches to education which are: theory inactive, theory and interactionist theory cognitive and in the construct of the learning styles of humanities, the study aims to: determine the profile teaching of teachers of the engineering disciplines of the course of production the FEI, Sao Paulo, through a roadmap balizado in theoretical education, following the three approaches to teaching. This road map constructed by the author, served as a basis to see what line of theoretical thinking is adopted by teachers, check this place during the conduct of lessons in the classroom or laboratories. It complements it was checking through a questionnaire distributed to students, also built by the author, and based on a model of institutional assessment developed by the Faculty of Education at UNICAMP, Brazil. The purpose of this questionnaire is to raise the perception of the student as one representative sample, about the training of teachers in the classroom. Compared with the educational profile obtained from each teacher with their style of learning, provided by the inventory of Kolb (Learning Style Inventory-LSI). The results of studentsperceptions about the teachers surveyed have a complementary character so that the teaching-learning process can be understood in a systemic way. It was obtained the educational profile and the styles of each of the teachers surveyed, 20 of the universe, and even an assessment with a representative sample of 278 students surveyed in a universe of 906 students on the course in Production Engineering from the FEI, Sao Paulo. It is hoped that through this study there is an awareness of teachers surveyed for an institutional commitment to the proposition that leads to improvements in the classroom and curriculum changes possible through pre-established criteria.


higher education educational profile learning styles perfil pedagógico estilos de aprendizagem ensino superior

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