A gestão de projetos aplicada à reabilitação de edifícios: estudo da interface entre projeto e obra. / Design management in building rehabilitation: a study of the interfaces between design and work.




In civil construction the management of design may positively contribute to the results of an enterprise in general way. However, throughout the development of this research, we realize that the management of designs can be much more relevant in building rehabilitation. Of course, the levels of complexity in rehabilitation process vary according to the grade of intervention desired and this affects the formatting of a more adequate model of the enterprise management. Management of designs, whenever it is based on appropriate principles and methods, may contribute to the results at the building site in order to provide a balanced relationship among the agents involved, mainly between the two groups responsible for the designs and its carrying out. This work intends to go deeper into the discussion of these issues by presenting the results of a bibliographical research on the matter, to mark the enterprises in rehabilitation, interfaces between design and work, and to discuss the role coordination of designs plays in the building rehabilitation context. Besides this, it shows the results of field surveys carried out in two rehabilitation enterprises in São Paulo-Brazil and one in Lyon-France.


design management retrofit administração de projetos rehabilitation edifícios (reabilitação)

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