A formação do profissional do Direito: Os embates pela superação de ineficácia no ensino. / A vocational training of the law: The shocks by overcoming the inefficiency in education.




This paper entitled - "A VOCATIONAL TRAINING OF THE LAW: The shocks by overcoming the inefficiency in education" - had as its main objective to make a study concerning the legal courses in operation in the country. We analyzed data on the matter since the creation of universities to the issue of quality of education as a result of the amount of courses offered. Were used information from entities such as the Bar of Brazil, Ministry of Education, the National System of Evaluation of Higher Education, the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira, among others. The qualification of teachers and the methods of teaching and research were also inserted in this dissertation. Recent data from the Census Higher Education served as a basis for study. There was the possibility of changes in various areas of legal education, such as curriculum, methodology, research and extension, improvement in the training of teachers in addition to recovery of their work, to improve the training of professionals of law in our country. For a theoretical been used several authors of both the area of law as the area of Education


law-study and teaching education-study and teaching educacao educaçãoestudo e ensino direito-estudo e ensino

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