A file system implementation for a reconfigurable computing platform / Implementação de um sistema de arquivos para uma plataforma de computação reconfigurável




In computational systems, usually the data are stored in storage units, according to some logic, in structures called files. The File System is responsible for structure, identification, access, protection and management of the files. It also acts as a connector link between the user and the device, translating high level commands (derived for the user) into commands of low level, understandable for the storage unit. The present work aims to implement a File System for application in mobile devices based on reconfigurable computation. Such system will act as a support for the applications that need to store and/or to restore large volume of data, such as the acquisition of digital images from CMOS cameras. This system will also be used as an initial tool for the development of a storage module of a board, based on reconfigurable computation, to be used for didactic purposes. The implemented File System is based on FAT16 and the storage device used was the memory cards SD (Secure Digital) and MMC (MultiMedia- Card)


sistemas de arquivos reconfigurable computing computação reconfigurável solid state memory memórias de estado sólido file system robotics robótica

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