LALP: a language for parallelism of loops exploitation in reconfigurable computing / LALP: uma linguagem para exploração do paralelismo de loops em computação reconfigurável




Reconfigurable computing is becoming increasingly important in embedded and high-performance computing systems. It allows performance levels close to the ones obtained with Application-Specific Integrated circuits (ASIC), while still keeping design and implementation flexibility. However, to efficiently program devices, one needs the expertise of hardware developers in order master hardware description languages (HDL) such as VHDL or Verilog. Attempts to furnish a high-level compilation flow (e.g., from C programs) still have to address open issues before broader efficient results can be obtained. Many efforts trying to achieve a direct of algorithms into hardware concentrate on loops since they represent the most computationally intensive regions of many application codes. A particularly useful technique for this purpose is loop pipelining, which is usually adapted from software pipelining techniques. The application of this technique is strongly related to instruction scheduling, whic often prevents an optimized use of the resources present in modern FPGAs. This thesis decribes an alternative approach to direct mapping loops described in high-level labguages onto FPGAs. Different from oyher approaches, this technique does not inherit from software pipelining techniques. The control is distributed over operations, thus a finite state machine is not necessary to control the order of operations, allowing efficient harware implementations. The specification of a hardware block is done by means of LALP, a domain specific language specially designed to help the application of the techniques. While the language syntax resembles C, it contains certain constructs that allow programmer interventions to enforce or relax data dependences as needed, and so optimize the performance of the generated hardware


fpga reconfigurable computing computação reconfigurável fpga compilers compiladores

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