A figura feminina em contos de Lygia Fagundes Telles




Representing a reality is not simply to report facts or actions, but also to consider how they are narrated. It can be perceived by the narrators voice and in other voices that are part of the speech social, cultural and ideological marks which express a world view. From this thought on, this study intends to observe the used strategies of building the sense, in tales by Lygia Fagundes Telles, for the representation of the female figure. In order to do that, we will go through Lygias work in a very succinct way trying to identify how she works the womans thematic, as well as its works own characteristics. Later on we will analyze the following tales Leontinas confession, Mr Director and the Mass of the Rooster which main characters have a troubled relationship with their own interiority. In the analysis of the tales we will use as a theoretical basis Bakhtins idea about dialogism and cronotopo.


letras plurilinguism female figure plurilinguismo conto tale cronotopo figura feminina cronotopo

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