A escrita no processo de formação continua do professor de matematica




In this work, our attention is mainly focused on the education of mathematics teachers and our purpose is to obtain relevant insights on how students of a Mathematics Teacher s course, and future Mathematics teachers, react to the experience of participating in a mathematics preparation discipline with a different concept: one which emphasizes the written register of thoughts and ideas occurring during learning processes. The investigative question was formulated as: What are the significant contributions of the presence of different communication forms (with special emphasis on written communication) in a mathematics discipline of specific content (such as Geometry) insofar as concerns educational processes and professional development of the Mathematics teacher? How do relevant processes in the constitution of a professional identity occur? In order to understand the experience and the formation potential of other communication forms, especially written formats, the narrative inquiry was chosen as the central research method. Basing theoretical support on studies of cultural and historical constitution of the human being, an approach of the educational processes of pre-service teachers of mathematics began taking form in the first semester of 2003, through the careful observation of the Geometry group of the Mathematics Teacher s course Campinas State. Four participant students were chosen for a keener observance, during the two subsequent years, a procedure that included factors previous to the mentioned discipline. Analyses tools included autobiographical registers, study of course activities (letters, notes, reports, projects), semi- structured interviews, questionnaires and e-mail messages. The documents of each of the participants formed an individual record that was weaved, after analysis, into a narrative written structure of their professional and personal developments. These four narratives highlighted, with different intensities, important aspects due to the presence of written expression in the personal and professional education of each of these teachers-to-be. The practice of writing down discourse and reflections on processes of learning and teaching Mathematics, as promoted by Geometry and Mathematics Teaching Practices disciplines definitely stood out among other contextual scenarios which favored the presence of written expression. The latter contributed so that these Mathematics Teacher undergraduates better understand the complexity of school practices, and the process itself of becoming a Mathematics teacher in this environment. But it was, in fact, the writing, in Geometry, closely considered with computer technologies, as well as the communication and development of projects that contributed both to promote metacognitive processes on the learning of Mathematics as well as to produce other meanings of Mathematics concepts and processes mostly when participants had little or no familiarity with formal/symbolic language. Besides, the study shows that, in the initial education of Math teachers, experience with written discourse on Mathematics subjects, influenced future professional practice, since, as teachers, they included this aspect didactically and pedagogically when working with their own students. Also to be remarked is that two of the participants, due to their students writing in exploratory and investigative class activities, developed a more reflexive attitude towards their own professional practice


formação de professores teachers training professores de matematica - formação professional development narrativas pessoais escrita narrative mathematics education educação matematica desenvolvimento profissional mathematical teachers

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