A escrita do aluno surdo : interface entre a libras e a língua portuguesa.




This Thesis discusses the writing of deaf students, based on a language of signs - LIBRAS inserted in a special class for deaf students from the cycle of Basic Studies I in a regular school with listener teacher. The education of deaf children is discussed based on Bilingualism and the guidelines of the National Policy for Special Education. The structuring of the psychic systems and the Construction of Writing are analyzed considering the Sociointeractionist and psychoanalytic references. The study adopted a micro-genetic research approach. The research was based on the following issues: How is LIBRA used by deaf children in the production of writing in Portuguese? How to solve the problem of discontinuity between the two systems of representation: the language of signs and the alphabetic writing? Does the teacher play the role of mediator between the child and the object of knowledge? Data analysis was carried out based on information obtained from observations made in the classroom, on informal conversations with the teacher, on the reading of the plans and the descriptive evaluations of the students by the teacher, and on the interactions and textual productions of the students. The results of this investigation showed that LIBRAS worked for each student as a first language, a support for the structuring of alphabetic construction. The writing as textual reproduction gained prominence. The teacher, who was not fluent in the language of signs, would predominantly use Portuguese, but also texts previously written as models, and would often choose an oralized student as interpreter, to facilitate communication with other students. In that context, discontinuity was revealed between the two systems of representation: signaling and alphabetic writing. The results of this research thereby contribute to the understanding of the process of construction of writing by deaf children and of the importance of mediation by the teacher, which must be based on the knowledge of sign language and the use of the appropriate methodology. The development of Visual Conscience through specific methods of work is suggested in order to enrich the textual production of deaf child. This is supported by three references: internal signaling, representation in alphabetical writing and linkage between the two systems of representation through textual production mediated by another bilingual person, able to build with the deaf person the sense of writing as discourse, as a language aimed at the communication of ideas.


educação especial educacao surdez special education deafness escrita. writing.

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