A escolarização do aluno com deficiência visual e sua experiência educacional.




This master course dissertation aims to know the achievements and impasses found during schoolhood of students with visual disability, analyzing its conception on scholar process and curricular adaptations. Therefore, four students with visual disability from the last year of high school in 2005 in Salvador-Ba were interviewed. A thematic oral history was used as a research method because it works on the deponents perspectives, offering subsidies to know the conception of the students with visual disability regarding their educational experiences. Methodological reference of this work used as base studies of Brioschi and Trigo (1987), Luchesi (2003), Meihy (1998) and Thompson (1997). To discuss and understand the studied reality regarding visual disability, experts such as Amiralian (1997), Bruno (1993, 1997), Masini (1994), Paim (2002), Caiado (2003), Coimbra (2003), Bueno and Toro (2003), Vygotsky (1984, 1997, 2003), and MEC-Brasil educational policies (1999, 2001, 2002) were taken into account. The results showed the need of supporting material in Braille, difficulties to learn mathematics, chemistry and physics, besides the lack of teachers capacitation to act close to student with visual disability were significant impasses. Yet schoolhood memories are the best reminiscents that three of the interviewed ones have, due to the opportunity they had to interact with people of the same age. According to the obtained datas, it is possible to affirm that students with visual disability from the reseach were beneficiated by socializing at a regular school, but the inclusion itself which implies on suppling special educational needs of students did not happen.


curricular adaptations schoolhood adaptação escolar visual disability special education educação educacao deficientes visuais educação especial

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